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Riding on the huge successes of JUXTAPOSED Fashion x Music 2017 and 2018, Hong Kong Fashion Designers Association is pleased to announce that the "JUXTAPOSED 2020" event, sponsored by Create Hong Kong of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, will take place in July 2020.

Another ground breaking JUXTAPOSED 2020 fashion exhibition x popup event in the most prestigious Landmark HK will take place from 7 to 16 July, 2020. The first time ever for 75 Hong Kong fashion designers to be featured in the iconic and very prestige retail mall, alongside the most luxurious international brands from around the world. 75 designers showing 1 to 6 pieces of their outfits will be displayed in an exhibition format in the Atrium and 2 shops inside Landmark. With a busiest flow of public in and out of Landmark, tens of thousands will be able to see what HK designs has to offer. Besides the installation in the atrium, viewers will be able to see the clothes up close, further going online to learn more about each designer and experience a brick to click shopping journey. Most definitely an excellent opportunity for the public and fashion lovers for an up close viewing of the best works from local creatives.

To provide the public a further chance to learn more about their works, VOGUE HK will present all pieces in a spectacular HK Designer Dossier booklet to be circulated with their August issue. With photo shooting styled by the Vogue team and shot by 4 up and coming photographers, including Lamb Yu, Leung Mo, Deon Wong and Issac Lam, visuals of all 75 designers’ works will be looped and shown on large LED walls in the Atrium and shops. The overall presentation under Landmark and Vogue will surely be a rare and valuable opportunity for local designs to shine along the best of the best designs and brands from around the world and a great, positive image building opportunity for our HK design and fashion industry, uplifting Hong Kong designers’ image to the international level.

繼JUXTAPOSED Fashion x Music 2017和2018得到空前成功後,今年香港時裝設計師協會很榮幸,獲得香港特別行政區政府「創意香港」(Create Hong Kong)贊助,即將於2020年7月再度舉行大型活動「JUXTAPOSED 2020」。


「JUXTAPOSED 2020」將於2020年7月7日至16日以時裝展覽及期間限定概念店的形式,於香港重要地標——中環置地廣場舉行。一向以來,中環置地廣場以國際化及高端零售商場的象徵性見稱,是次活動屬破天荒首次以75位本地時裝設計師為焦點,於廣場中庭內展示一眾設計師的作品,與其他享負盛名的國際品牌並立。屆時75位設計師將於廣場中庭及兩間限定概念店內,分別展出1至4組作品,藉著廣場的繁忙人流將為每件作品帶來更多欣賞者,讓公眾更瞭解香港時裝設計師對業界的貢獻。除了位於廣場中庭的展覽裝置能讓公眾以最近距離欣賞設計師的作品外,與此同時,更能在觀賞之餘,可享即時網上訂購展出作品的服務,讓公眾感受時裝展覽與網上購物雙結合的全新體驗。 


為了讓公眾有更多瞭解香港時裝設計師作品的機會,國際時裝雜誌《VOGUE》香港版更會於八月推出一本以是次參與展覽的75位香港設計師之展品貫穿的特刊《HK Designer Dossier》。當中除了由VOGUE HK團隊策劃攝影項目外,更邀得Lamb Yu、Leung Mo、Deon Wong及Issac Lam四位香港新晉攝影師為75件服裝作品進行別具一格的創意拍攝,一系列作品照亦將於展覽場內播放展出,進一步將藝術攝影與時裝設計的跨界創意激發得淋漓盡致。JUXTAPOSED 2020在與LANDMARK及 VOGUE夢幻般的合作下,不但為參觀者帶來全新的時尚觀賞與購物體驗,同時亦讓本地設計師的作品有更多機會展現在國際之間,為香港時裝設計業界建立正面形象,得以進一步提升香港時裝設計師的國際形象。

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