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Interweaving traditional life, culture, and creative technology:

Hong Kong Art and Culture


Last year the pre-event of JUXTAPOSED, "Time-Honoured Brands, New Fashion", connected local designers with long-established brands in different fields. This collaboration broke the sense that fashion is always far removed from the community’s lives and brought the innovative spirit of Hong Kong fashion design to the community.

This year, the HKFDA scoured the city and selected ten classic Hong Kong cultural traditions. Incorporating the industry's cutting-edge production technology into these traditions, a series of commemorative T-shirts are created by ten local fashion designers. Pairing life and culture with fashion design, traditional craftsmanship, and innovative technology, they have created ten "Hong Kong Art and Culture" JUXTAPOSED limited tees. The goal is to share with the visitors of the exhibition Hong Kong's most beautiful traditions, the latest technology, and art, with fashion as the medium.

上屆《JUXTAPOSED》先導活動《老字號.新時尚》連繫本地設計師,與植根地區的老字號合作,打破時裝一向給人「遠在天橋」的距離感,將香港時裝設計的創新精神帶入社區。有見活動十分成功,協會繼續放眼全香港,今屆嚴選10項香港經典文化傳統,揉合業界尖端的製作技術,邀請10位香港時裝設計師參與創作,對比融匯生活文化與時尚設計、傳統手藝和創新技術,創作出10件《港.技.藝》JUXTAPOSED 限定tee,透過時裝作載體,與大家分享香港最美的傳統與最新的技.藝。


Traditional Street Market

Henry Lau 劉志華

To the designer, the traditional street market speaks of the richness and harmony between east and west. And what is more iconic than Hong Kong's red plastic market lampshade? Capturing this in a fabric creates magic. With the red lampshade as a motif on the top portion, the designer is guided by the works of modernist painter Fernand Leger for the bottom half. By combining humanity and colour, he creates a highly wearable T-shirt.

傳統街市給設計師的印象是有豐富人情味,有中西合璧的招牌,而更加獨特的就是那一個紅色膠燈罩,把它放衣服上面就形成魔力,所以我用它做成衣服上面的主題,而衣服下面圖案側以 post modernism 的 fernard leger 畫家的畫作靈感,把人性化與色彩結合,而形成可穿性高的 T shirt 。

 Henry Lau
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